I Am Peace With What Is ….

I wish I could write you and tell you that all of life is going to be great.

It’s all going to be happy and positive.

But that isn’t how life works.

Before you think I’m going down some negative tailspin – hear me out.

Pain is what gives life meaning. It’s what stretches us. It’s a call to grow.

 All pain, spiritual, emotional, physical pain – is a wake up call.

 And it’s important to recognize this. Because there is pain in life. The question becomes how do we respond to the pain?

Pain can be turned into powerful lessons and joy if we are aware. But it takes learning the lessons of pain to do this.

We have two choices when it comes to pain. We can fight it, or we can accept it.

Fighting it only increases the pain. The more you push – the more it pushes back.

But, acceptance is another option. Now, my friend – let’s confuse acceptance for toleration. Tolerating something is not what I am talking about.

There is pain that doesn’t need to be tolerated. But, if we are to transform it – acceptance is the first step.

Krishnamurti tells us that the path to peace is simple, he says, “I don’t mind what happens.”

This is a powerful idea. To fully embrace, accept and come into harmony with what is happening right now. The less we can resist what is happening and instead embrace and accept it –the quicker we can change it.

Accepting the present moment doesn’t mean you only need to observe it. No – you can then do something about it.

But, when you are in acceptance of the pain – you can flow with it better. You can dance with it. You can start to allow it to slowly dissipate.

All pain comes bearing a lesson – and the first lesson is acceptance. Once you get there, what’s next can be limitless.

Is there something painful in your life that you haven’t accepted yet? If getting past it meant you first had to accept it – what could you accept?

 -Mastin Kipp (Daily Love)

Affirmations for today

I choose to find the lesson in my pain.

I accept all that this present moments contains.

I am at peace with what is.

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